Хрестоматия по истории философии Часть 1 От Лао-Цзы до Фейербаха артикул 10613d.
Хрестоматия по истории философии Часть 1 От Лао-Цзы до Фейербаха артикул 10613d.

Книга составлена как антология философских тестов, которым предшествуют краткие характеристики направлений и мыслителей В первой части представлены основные исторические озеоя типы философии - древнеиндийская, древнекитайская, европейская, античная, Средневековая, эпохи Возрождения и Нового времени Представлены фрагменты работ таких выдающихся мыслителей, как Платон, Аристотель, Августин, Аквинский, Бэкон, Декарт, Лейбнц, Фихте, Кант, Гетель, Маркс - всего 50 философов Учебное пособие ориентировано на базовый курс философии, которым должны овладеть студенты ВУЗов и аспиранты Книга может быть полезна всем интересующимся философией и ее историей Авторы (показать всех авторов) В Башкалова В Гарпушкин З Гафурова.  Издательство: Владос Твердый переплет, 448 стр ISBN 5-691-00207-4, 5-691-00045-4 Тираж: 30000 экз Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм).

The Great American Playwrights on the Screen : A Critical Guide to Film, TV, Video and DVD артикул 10615d.
The Great American Playwrights on the Screen : A Critical Guide to Film, TV, Video and DVD артикул 10615d.

Book DescriptionThe Great American Playwrights on the Screen is a complete, up-to-date record of movie and television productions of classic and contemporary works of the great playwrights Rich in historical value and detail, this reference book not only tracks Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize winners, but also unearths unheralded treasures озепг and forgotten performances by great actors and the great directors they served To show the ongoing influences and legacies of the great plays, Roberts compares and contrasts the adapted versions, and includes colorful reviews by prominent critics of tv and film (beginning with those of the silent era) The profound expansion of television into American homes in the 1950s brought a flood of adapted plays to the small screen, and resulted in the rebirth of the careers of many significant playwrights The Great American Playwrights on the Screen provides fans with a video and DVD guide to the adapted works of the playwrights, and shows which versions are available for home viewing and in which media (VHS, Beta, Laser, DVD, Letterbox) Simultaneously, this book is a unique, one-stop source for academics, students of the theatre arts, actors, directors and producers Organized in an easy-to-use A-Z format, the book features over 200 playwrights including Arthur Miller, Marsha Norman, Eugene O'Neill, Aaron Sorkin, Neil Simon, Wendy Wasserstein, and Tennessee Williams In addition, The Great American Playwrights on the Screen resurrects the memories of television productionsof plays at a critical time, when many of them - including Emmy Award winners and nominees - are deteriorating in vaults.  2003 г 576 стр ISBN 1557835128.

Человек в лабиринте эволюции артикул 10617d.
Человек в лабиринте эволюции артикул 10617d.

В этой книге рассказывается о главных поворотных моментах в эволюции человека, начиная с появления приматов и до Homo Sapiens Накопившиеся за последние годы в антропологии, молекулярной озепй биологии, археологии и ряде других наук факты заставляют пересмотреть многие традиционные представления о ходе этого процесса Его узловые события в свете новых данных видятся не так, как еще десять или даже пять лет назад, а старые вопросы где? когда? как? и почему? требуют новых ответов Книга построена в основном на материалах, которые пока не получили должного освещения в отечественной научно-популярной литературе Благодаря живому и увлекательному изложению книга будет интересна не только биологам, антропологам и археологам, но и самым широким читательским кругам, особенно учащейся молодежи Автор Леонид Вишняцкий.  Издательство: Весь Мир, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 156 стр ISBN 5-7777-0270-8 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Происхождение человека Находки, термины, гипотезы артикул 10619d.
Происхождение человека Находки, термины, гипотезы артикул 10619d.

Книга представляет собой краткий алфавитный справочник по теме "Происхождение человека" Автор - кандидат биологических наук, доцент кафедры антропологии Московского озепр государственного университета им М В Ломоносова Справочник содержит современную информацию по основным находкам, гипотезам и понятиям эволюционной антропологии Издание предназначено для студентов, школьников, преподавателей биологии в школе и антропологии и биологии в вузах Автор В Бахолдина.  Издательство: Фолиум, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 188 стр ISBN 5-93881-036-1 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Комментарий к Закону Российской Федерации `Об образовании` артикул 10621d.
Комментарий к Закону Российской Федерации `Об образовании` артикул 10621d.

Редактор: Владимир Шкатулла Представляет собой постатейный комментарий к Закону РФ `Об образовании` в редакции Федерального закона от 13 января 1996 г Предназначен для юристов, озепх а также для работников системы образования, обучающихся, их родителей, профсоюзного актива, государственных и муниципальных служащих, работников правоохранительных органов Может быть использован в учебном процессе.  Серия: Commentarium.

Учет основных средств Комментарии, корреспонденция счетов (+ CD-ROM) артикул 10623d.
Учет основных средств Комментарии, корреспонденция счетов (+ CD-ROM) артикул 10623d.

В книге представлены полный текст Положения по бухгалтерскому учету "Учет основных средств" (с последними изменениями, внесенными приказом Минфина России), комментарии озепш и корреспонденция счетов Книга написана под редакцией вице-президента ИПБ России, начальника отдела Департамента регулирования государственного финансового контроля, аудиторской деятельности, бухгалтерского учета и отчетности Минфина России А С Бакаева Издание предназначено для бухгалтеров, аудиторов, сотрудников налоговых органов и экономистов предприятий различных организационно-правовых форм Прилагаемый к изданию диск CD-ROM упакован в специальный целлофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги Авторы Ефим Мизиковский О Островский Виктория Приображенская.  Издательство: Питер, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 978-5-91180-884-6 Тираж: 4000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

География Методические рекомендации и тесты для поступающих в вузы на географические факультеты артикул 10625d.
География Методические рекомендации и тесты для поступающих в вузы на географические факультеты артикул 10625d.

Редакторы: Сергей Болысов Галина Гладкевич В учебном пособии даны краткие методические рекомендации и тесты по основным разделам физической и социально-экономической озепя географии, способствующие закреплению фактического материала и развивающие логику географического мышления Книга рассчитана на абитуриентов и старших школьников, желающих углубить свои знания по географии Она будет полезной в работе учителей географии.  Серия: ШАНС - `Школа Абитуриента: Научись Сам`.

Sit & Solve Pointer Crosswords (Sit & Solve Series) артикул 10627d.
Sit & Solve Pointer Crosswords (Sit & Solve Series) артикул 10627d.

Book Description What are pointer crosswords? They're puzzles where the clues are right in the grid--not alongside--and an arrow points to the spaces where solvers should write the answer This popular style eliminates wasted time spent looking back and forth between the crossword and the clue list; everything's neatly in one place Plus, the clues озерв in pointers take up less space on the page, so there are more puzzles--60 in all Have fun with these: "Edible crustacean of rocky shores" (9 letters), "Nobelist of 1903 and 1911" (5 letters), and many others Answers: Stone crab and Curie.  2005 г 96 стр ISBN 1402718241.

2005 Christian Pocket Planner артикул 10629d.
2005 Christian Pocket Planner артикул 10629d.

Book Description This pocket-sized, inspirational planner was designed to help organize the details of a busy life, while focusing each day on Christ Now updated for 2005, J Countryman's Christian Daily Pocket Planner has become a mainstay in the lives of believers This year's theme, "Living a Godly Life," is broken down into month-by-month озерй subjects, including "Wear Love-All Day, Every Day," "Never Look Back," "Let Trials Be Teachers," and many others Featuring quotes and Scripture, this planner helps to keep spiritual, personal, and professional life in order Other features include: 365 quotes and Scripture verses One-year Bible reading plan Crisis Scripture guide Telephone/address pages Monthly & daily calendars.  2004 г 160 стр ISBN 1404101446.

Easy Monday Crosswords артикул 10631d.
Easy Monday Crosswords артикул 10631d.

Book Description Now there's a crossword collection for every level of solver, from word game newcomers to experienced experts who confidently use a pen, even when completing total brainbusters Just like the crosswords in most newspapers, this fun series is organized by days of the week You'll find the very simplest puzzles in Easy Monday (no unfamiliar озерм words); ever-more difficult ones on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Killer Thursday; and unbelievably challenging, cranium-crushing examplesin the Friday compilation--the hardest crosswords in America From "Street Names," the perfect puzzle for novices, to the mind-melting "Weekend Warrior," these super puzzlers offer plenty of smart entertainment.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 1402719132.

Contemporary Logistics, Eighth Edition артикул 10633d.
Contemporary Logistics, Eighth Edition артикул 10633d.

Book Description Using real-world case studies throughout, this exploration of contemporary logistics describes the entire supply channel system — from inbound movement of freight through materials management to physical distribution to customers State-of-the-art in perspective, it highlights topics that affect logistics channels озерп management — including customer service, packaging, inventory management, traffic management and creating “value-added” linkages in the supply chain The authors provide an overview of logistics, elements of logistics systems including order management and customer service, protective packaging and materials handling, domestic and industrial transportation management, inventory, warehousing and supply management, analyzing, designing, and implementing a logistics system For individuals interested in contemporary logistics.  2003 г ISBN 0130352802.

Cpt 2005 Express Reference Coding Card: Neurology/neurosurgery артикул 10635d.
Cpt 2005 Express Reference Coding Card: Neurology/neurosurgery артикул 10635d.

Book DescriptionEach double-sided, laminated CPT® 2005 Express Reference coding card is designed to facilitate proper CPT coding by supplying more than 350 of the most commonly reported CPT codes per medical specialty These easy-to-use reference cards allow health care providers and staff members to easily locate a desired code, which can озерэ then be referenced in the CPT code book -AMA Exclusive - Includes CPT medium procedural descriptions with color-coded CPT symbols and official CPT guidelines -Formatted in alphabetical order under procedural categories - Allows for quick CPT code look-ups -Authoritative and fully integrated -Instant portability - Cards are designed to easily fit into the CPT code book.  2004 г ISBN 1579476465.

Dueno de Mi Corazon / Owner of My Heart артикул 10637d.
Dueno de Mi Corazon / Owner of My Heart артикул 10637d.

Book DescriptionAimery de Gaillard es un hombre con el corazón partido en dos: por un lado, mantiene el juramento hecho al duque de Normandía, ahora monarca de Inglaterra, pero por otro defiende a los campesinos ingleses de las injusticias de sus nuevos señores Vive en un continuo peligro, pero sus verdaderos problemas empiezan el día en que озеси conoce a una mujer hermosa e indómita como no ha visto otra Su pasión se torna ira cuando descubre que ella es, a los ojos del pueblooprimido, una normanda tan despiadada y cruel como los demás invasores Aimery entabla una lucha entre su irrefrenable deseo y su causa por la libertad, mientras el amor y el odio se confunden en una obsesión más peligrosa que el filo de una espada UN GUERRERO CON EL ALMA DIVIDIDA Hijo de un noble normando y de una dama inglesa, Aimery es un hombre atrapado entre dos mundos Ante su familia es un miembro de la nueva aristocracia que ha conquistado Inglaterra, pero al mismo tiempo, bajo la identidad del guerrero conocido como Corazón de Oro, pronto se convierte en un ser legendario que ayuda a los campesinos ante los señores normandos sin escrúpulos Su dilema como soldado pronto se reproduce en su corazón cuando se enamora perdidamente de una mujer a la que debe considerar el enemigo UNA MUJER ENFRENTADA AL DESTINO EN TIERRA EXTRAÑA Madeleine ha conseguido evitar un triste destino como monja en una abadía, pero a cambio de aceptar que el duque de Normandía y su esposa le escojan marido En las posesiones que le han sido otorgadas en Inglaterra espera la decisión, mientras soporta a duras penas la tutela de sus crueles tíos Poco sospecha que en aquella tierra lejana, herida por la guerra y llena de peligros, encontrará a un hombre excepcional, un misterioso vagabundo de ojos verdes que despierta en ella un deseo desconocido Allí descubrirá en ella una nueva fuerza que le permitirá enfrentarse a la injusticia y luchar por un amor que no puede dejar escapar.  2004 г 400 стр ISBN 8495752557.

High School @ Home: You Can Do It! артикул 10639d.
High School @ Home: You Can Do It! артикул 10639d.

For homeschool parents overwhelmed at the prospect of teaching their teenagers, High School @ Home offers great help This user-friendly educational guide enables busy moms and dads to: Design a program based on your student's future goals Understand college entrance requirements Establish guidelines for your high school course of study Credit озесо and grade textbook, living book, and project courses Calculate a grade point average Compile a transcript Create courses which meet the unique needs of your student Keep simple but thorough records Автор Diana Johnson Diana Johnson.  Издательство: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 297 стр ISBN 0805445455.

Snog the Frog артикул 10641d.
Snog the Frog артикул 10641d.

Book Description Heres an amusing new twist on the well-known fairy tale situation in which a frog becomes a handsome prince when he is kissed by a beautiful princess Can Snog the Frog also be transformed by a kiss? Today is his birthday, and he plans to celebrate the day by finding out Who will give him a kiss? First he asks Cow, then Sheep, but both refuse озесш to kiss a frog Not even Snake or Pig are willing to kiss poor Snog the Frog At last he meets a pretty little princess, and makes his request to her This princess has read up on her fairy tales, which is to say that she might be willing to give this little frog his much-needed kiss The outcome of this cheerful tale will bring a smile to the face of every little boy and girl who has it readaloud to them Full-color illustrations on every page.  2005 г 32 стр ISBN 0764158244.

Growing Modular : Mass Customization of Complex Products, Services and Software артикул 10643d.
Growing Modular : Mass Customization of Complex Products, Services and Software артикул 10643d.

Book DescriptionThis book is about a practical approach to the Mass Customization of complex products, services and software, namely "Configure-to-Order", the definition of modular product packages and their configuration on demand, to fit customer-specific needs "Configure-to-Order" concepts apply equally well озесъ to configuring complex products, services, and software, and are relevant in industries ranging across manufacturing, public services, and financial services The target audience is those interested in management or process improvement in areas such as customer service, sales, marketing, exports, new product development, or production Software to support "Configure-to-Order" is discussed and a generic configurator evaluation checklist is provided The objective is to provide the reader with a manageable approach to modularization and mass customization, the benefits of this approach, and the shift necessary to get there.  2005 г ISBN 3540239596.

Egipto desde el aire (Egypt Flying High, Spanish Edition) артикул 10645d.
Egipto desde el aire (Egypt Flying High, Spanish Edition) артикул 10645d.

Book DescriptionMarcello Bertinetti specializes in aerial photography, either taken through the windows of a Piper or acrobatically hanging out the door of a helicopter Egipto desde el aire presents his most gorgeous images of Egypt The magisterial Nile appears, accented by white sails on its waters and spectacular monuments lining its banks озесэ Frenetic Cairo, the pyramids and the sphinx, palm groves and fertile fields, and the ever-changing waves of the dunes in the desert all of Egypt's magical vistas are presented here.  2005 г 640 стр ISBN 9707182520.

Global Marketing Management (7th Edition) артикул 10647d.
Global Marketing Management (7th Edition) артикул 10647d.

This leading book in international marketing features comprehensive cases that cover consumer, industrial, low tech and high tech, product and services marketing Specific chapter topics examine the global economic environment; the social and cultural environment; the political, legal, and regulatory environments; global customers; озетг global marketing information systems and research; global targeting, segmenting and positioning; entry and expansion strategies: marketing and sourcing; cooperation and global strategic partnerships; competitive analysis and strategy; product decisions; pricing decisions; channels and physical distribution; global advertising; promotion: personal selling, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, trade shows, sponsorship; global e-marketing; planning, leading, organizing, and monitoring the global marketing effort; and the future of global marketing For individuals interested in a career in marketing.  ISBN 0130332712.

The Restaurant, Student Workbook : From Concept to Operation артикул 10649d.
The Restaurant, Student Workbook : From Concept to Operation артикул 10649d.

Book DescriptionThe ultimate guide to restaurant success-fully updated and revised Yes, hard work and a dream are indispensable, but success in the restaurant business requires an arsenal of skills and a vast body of knowledge and access to information The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation, Fourth Edition provides it all This easy-to-read озетз guide shows aspiring restaurateurs how to conceive, open, and run any type of restaurant, from fast-food franchise to upscale dining room This book will equip aspiring restaurant owners to master a broad variety of start-up issues and gain the solid footing they'll need to ensure the restaurant's ongoing success You will discover how to choose a suitable concept, find a market gap to fill, develop business and marketing plans, and secure financial backing Also, you'll learn how to select the perfect location, obtain the necessary permits, create a tantalizing menu, design the interior, and hire and train employees You'll also acquirethe all-important skill of turning first-time customers into regular patrons Special features of this new edition include: Increased focus on the independent restaurant Greater emphasis on restaurant business plans, including new exercises Up-to-date restaurant profiles, including franchises and independents A new chapter on restaurant operations and control A new chapter on the latest restaurant technology As part of the National Restaurant Association's Education Foundation's® Pro Mgmt Certificate Program, this field-proven guide gives students, chefs, and entrepreneurs all of the skills and information they need to master every challenge and succeed in this highly competitive and rewarding industry.  2004 г 96 стр ISBN 0471708674.

Winter Woes артикул 10651d.
Winter Woes артикул 10651d.

Book DescriptionIn bestselling author-illustrator Marty Kelley's newest seasonal soap opera, a young worrywort with a vivid imagination takes his fears to extremes-with hilarious results What if he slips on the snow? What if he falls through the ice? What if he's frozen-'til spring!?!?! The silliness builds like a snowball rolling downhill озетн as our hero posits all the things could possibly go wrong in the winter wonderland outside of his house.  2004 г 32 стр ISBN 1559333065.

Nike Culture: The Sign of the Swoosh (Core Cultural Icons Series) артикул 10653d.
Nike Culture: The Sign of the Swoosh (Core Cultural Icons Series) артикул 10653d.

This book is one of the first to take an in-depth look at how an advertising image works It situates the Nike swoosh logo in terms of political economy, sociology, culture and semiotics Nike Culture describes and deconstructs the themes and structures of Nike's advertising, outlines the contradictions between image and practice, and explores озетт the logic of the sign economy In addition, by focusing on issues revolving around representations of race, class and gender, the desire for both community and recognition, and the construction of sport as a spiritual enterprise, the book offers insights into the cultural contradictions embedded in sports culture.  Твердый переплет ISBN 0761961488.

El ultimo secreto de da Vinci артикул 10655d.
El ultimo secreto de da Vinci артикул 10655d.

Book DescriptionApasionante novela que descubre la relación entre Leonardo Da Vinci y la Sábana Santa, la más inquietante reliquia de la cristianidad Sus autores, mezclando con brillantez los acontecimientos históricos con la ficción, consiguen que el lector no abandone nunca la duda sobre si los hechos pudieron suceder realmente así, озетх y le inducen a que se sumerja por completo en su lectura.  2004 г 326 стр ISBN 970732077X.

Русская история Пособие для поступающих в вузы артикул 10657d.
Русская история Пособие для поступающих в вузы артикул 10657d.

Предлагаемое учебное пособие - не краткий справочник по истории России, рассчитанный на быстрое и легкое чтение Изучение `Русской истории` предполагает не столько запоминание, озеть тем более `автоматическое`, сколько раздумье и в какой-то степени анализ материала Кроме учебных целей, авторы ставили и задачи нравственно-воспитательного порядка, а именно, стремились показать величие, особенности и многоаспектность русской истории Пособие рассчитано на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся историей Отечества Авторы Юрий Тот Андрей Дворниченко Юрий Кривошеев.  Издательство: Лань Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 5-86617-002-7 Тираж: 25000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

The Return of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks артикул 10659d.
The Return of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks артикул 10659d.

Book DescriptionBrothers Michael and Norman and their parents are off on a fun-filled Florida family vacation in an RV They have to take along their weird sock-eating plants, Stanley and Fluffy, because they act up and can't be left at home alone At a campground they meet a plant scientist and her kids, who start nosing around to find out more about озеув Stanley and Fluffy, while the plants cause more funny uproars.  2004 г 144 стр ISBN 0595321240.

100 государственных вузов Москвы Путеводитель по специальностям и направлениям артикул 10661d.
100 государственных вузов Москвы Путеводитель по специальностям и направлениям артикул 10661d.

Настоящий "Путеводитель" составлен на основе Государственных образовательных стандартов высшего профессионального образования и предназначен для учащихся и выпускников озеул школ, средних специальных учебных заведений, ПТУ, для педагогов и родителей, желающих по избранной специальности (направлению) определить вузы, осуществляющие соответствующую подготовку В него вошли 100 государственных вузов Москвы и ближнего Подмосковья, систематизированных по соответствующим направлениям и специальностям Приведены принятые сокращенные названия (аббревиатуры) вузов Для всех вузов указаны их адреса, способы проезда и контактные телефоны "Путеводитель" может быть использован в качестве справочно-методического пособия по профессиональной ориентации молодежи в информационных и образовательных учреждениях Автор Виктор Буков (составитель, автор).  Издательство: ФАИР-ПРЕСС, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 64 стр ISBN 5-8183-0434-5 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing : Key Measures to Evaluate Marketing Success артикул 10663d.
Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing : Key Measures to Evaluate Marketing Success артикул 10663d.

Book DescriptionMagic Numbers for Consumer Marketing specifically describes key marketing measures commonly used in business The book is designed to help marketers and non-marketers alike recognize the best measures to use when assessing the performance of marketing programs Each marketing measure is defined, along with relevant examples озеуу and/or illustrations Furthermore, the risks associated with relying too much on these formulas to the exclusion of other business inputs is discussed, providing readers with helpful guidelines of when these measures are most appropriate From market share to customer lifetime value, there are numerous formulas that will help business people measure both the potential opportunity and actual results of various marketing activities In addition, Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing also describes key non-formulaic marketing frameworks, including brand value and brand culture The frameworks and formulas are presented together because each depends on the other Understanding the frameworks enables managers to more clearly see the link between organization design and outcomes, while the formulas help measure specific marketing program performance.  2005 г ISBN 0470821620.

Quick Answers to Marketing Questions артикул 10665d.
Quick Answers to Marketing Questions артикул 10665d.

Got a marketing question? We'll put the answers at your fingertips You've got a budget You've got to decide how to spend it And you have to get results Quick Answers to Marketing Questions will give you all the answers you need and take all the hard work out of decision making What makes people more likely to open direct mail? How do you design a flyer to озеуь encourage people to read it? Are people more likely to buy a product with a customer careline? Where is the most effective page position for a press ad (and does size matter?) Which is more cost effective - TV advertising or direct mail? Should I be doing market research? Does magazine advertising for my website work? We collect all your most vital questions, dig for the statistics from every conceivable source, read them, interpret them and give you the bottom line answers with vital figures Intelligent analysis and additional commentary ensure you know whether the figures apply to you, and what you should read into them, making your life simpler - and more successful This essential guide gives simple succinct answers, backed up with hard facts, to all the marketing questions you have ever wanted to ask We've done the hard work - so you don't have to Авторы Элисон Олсбери Alison Alsbury Рос Джей Ros Jay.  Издательство: Pearson Professional Education, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 320 стр ISBN 0273653253.

Messiah Sing and Carolling артикул 10667d.
Messiah Sing and Carolling артикул 10667d.

Book DescriptionThe complete vocal score of Handels Messiah plus forty traditional carols of Christmas This authoritative volume presents the most widely used Messiah vocal score Here you will find all of the choruses and solos with completepiano reduction of Handels magnificent orchestra This book also includes an exquisite selection озефа of Christmas carols in traditional four-part arrangements As a comprehensive treasure of the words most cherished Christmas music, Messiah Sing And Caroling is a valuable addition to every music library So whether you are going out to a "Messiah Sing", enjoying a Christmas concert, or simply caroling with friends, you will get a lifetime of holiday pleasure from this handy volume.  2004 г 294 стр ISBN 0825629659.

Краткий курс химии Для поступающих в ВУЗы артикул 10614d.
Краткий курс химии Для поступающих в ВУЗы артикул 10614d.

Пособие предназначено для школьников, абитуриентов и учителей В пособии в краткой, но информативной и ясной форме изложены современные основы химии Это - основы, которые надо озепа понимать каждому выпускнику средней школы и совершенно обязательно знать каждому, кто видит себя студентом-химиком, медиком или биологом XXI века Авторы Владимир Попков Вадим Еремин Николай Кузьменко.  Издательство: Высшая школа, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 416 стр ISBN 5-06-003564-6 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Русский язык Фонетика Состав слова Словообразование Орфография артикул 10616d.
Русский язык Фонетика Состав слова Словообразование Орфография артикул 10616d.

Пособие предназначено для систематизации, углубления и проверки знаний по следующим разделам курса русского языка: "Фонетика", "Орфография", "Состав слова озепд Словообразование" Теоретический и практический материал изложен поурочно Ко всем упражнениям и тестам, а также к приведенным в конце пособия контрольным тестам даны ключи-ответы с комментариями Написано на основе многолетнего опыта преподавания предмета и приема экзаменов Пособие поможет качественно подготовиться к централизованному тестированию, экзамену и занятиям по русскому языку Адресуется абитуриентам, школьникам, учителям Авторы (показать всех авторов) Валентина Иватович Татьяна Балуш Татьяна Павлюченко.  Издательство: ТетраСистемс, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 240 стр ISBN 978-985-470-614-6 Тираж: 3100 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Общая биология Пособие для поступающих в вузы артикул 10618d.
Общая биология Пособие для поступающих в вузы артикул 10618d.

В пособии рассматриваются все вопросы, входящие в государственную программу по общей биологии Особенностью данного издания является то, что в нем не только разбирается теоретический озепп материал с учетом новейших достижений в таких областях, как молекулярная биология, генетика и др , но и приводятся варианты типовых экзаменационных задач с подробными объяснениями решений, а также тестовые задания Пособие предназначено для абитуриентов, готовящихся к вступительным экзаменам в высшие учебные заведения, для слушателей подготовительных отделений вузов Оно также может быть использовано учащимися старших классов при подготовке к урокам, семинарам, олимпиадам, зачетам, а также в качестве справочного пособия для учителей Авторы Михаил Левитин Татьяна Левитина.  Издательство: Питер, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 416 стр ISBN 5-469-00428-7 Тираж: 4000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Обществознание Пособие для абитуриентов артикул 10620d.
Обществознание Пособие для абитуриентов артикул 10620d.

Данное пособие представляет собой систематизированный свод знаний по экономике, социологии, политологии, праву, культурологии, которые потребуются для подготовки к экзаменам озепт Книга будет незаменимым пособием для сдачи выпускных и вступительных экзаменов Авторы Альберт Кравченко Татьяна Резникова.  Издательство: Русское слово - РС Мягкая обложка, 432 стр ISBN 5-8253-0163-1 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Sit & Solve Easy Crosswords (Sit & Solve Series) артикул 10622d.
Sit & Solve Easy Crosswords (Sit & Solve Series) артикул 10622d.

Book Description Here's some simple fun to while away the time for solvers who are otherwise occupied These are easy crosswords, ones that won't strain the brain or take too long to complete There's no arcane "crosswordese," the answers are relatively short (many just 5 or 6 letters), and the each puzzle is small Among the clues: "Wood used озепч for model planes," "Dance that 'takes two,'" and "Murder on the Orient Express sleuth " Answers: Balsa, Tango, Poirot.  2005 г 96 стр ISBN 140271825X.

Love Is a Choice Workbook артикул 10624d.
Love Is a Choice Workbook артикул 10624d.

Book DescriptionLove Is a Choice Workbook provides a ten-stage plan to help you find healing from the pain that created your codependency and then guides you through the plan using interactive questions, self-tests, exercises, and journaling This workbook helps you to step back and examine your life and then effectively deal with your codependency озепю at your own pace It can be used independently, or with Love Is a Choice, to help you break the cycle of codependency and be free to make new choices-free to choose love.  2004 г 288 стр ISBN 0785260218.

Basic Marketing Student Pkg #1 (Text, Student CD-ROM, PowerWeb, Apps '02-03) артикул 10626d.
Basic Marketing Student Pkg #1 (Text, Student CD-ROM, PowerWeb, Apps '02-03) артикул 10626d.

Basic Marketing is the market leading principles text domestically Basic Marketing offers a very thorough integration of the latest marketing themes, topics, and examples woven throughout the body of the text This integration of themes, topics, and examples is carefully blended with the text’s traditional strengths of clear, accessible озера communication, a focus on management decision-making in marketing, and completely integrated coverage of special topics such as technology, ethics, internationalperspectives, relationship marketing, and services This is the first book to develop and present the 4 P’s framework when describing the components of the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) Where most principles of marketing texts have separate supplement authors, Bill Perreault is the creator of every item in the package This unique involvement ensures quality, accuracy, and reliability ity.  ISBN 0072560932.

Marketing Management: Knowledge and Skills артикул 10628d.
Marketing Management: Knowledge and Skills артикул 10628d.

Book DescriptionMarketing Management: Knowledge and Skills, 7/e, by Peter and Donnelly, serves an overview for critical issues in marketing management The text strives to enhance knowledge of marketing management and advance student skills so they can develop and maintain successful marketing strategies The text does this through comprehensive озерж text chapters that analyze that marketing process and gives students the foundation needed for success in marketing management and through 45 cases (16 of themnew, many others updated) that go beyond traditional marketing principles and focus on the role of marketing in cross-functional business and organization strategies.  2003 г ISBN 0072552174.

Churchill/Ford/Walker's Sales Force Management with Excel Spreadsheets артикул 10630d.
Churchill/Ford/Walker's Sales Force Management with Excel Spreadsheets артикул 10630d.

Churchill, Ford, and Walker’s Sales Force Management, 7/e, now authored by Johnston and Marshall, is a research/ theory based text that cites the theoretical foundations of sales management and blends this with current industry examples and applications This book will appeal to a variety of teaching approaches-to those instructors who primarily озерк emphasize the lecture-discussion approach or to those who prefer case-oriented instruction No matter what approach is used, the research/theory combination, coupled with the solid sales management foundation, and the addition of the text themes of Innovation, Leadership, and Technology combine to make this text a leader in the sales management market t.  ISBN 0072826347.

Children On The Farm: A Postcard Book Of Photographs By Pete Wettach (Bur Oak Book) артикул 10632d.
Children On The Farm: A Postcard Book Of Photographs By Pete Wettach (Bur Oak Book) артикул 10632d.

Book DescriptionOver the course of his career as a Farm Security Administration supervisor and, later, a freelance photographer, A M "Pete" Wettach (19011976) took thousands of pictures of friends, neighbors, family members, and clients throughout the Midwest A sampling of his brilliant portraits of twentieth-century farm озеро life was captured for the first time in A Bountiful Harvest: The Midwestern Farm Photographs of Pete Wettach, 19251965 (Iowa 2002), which garnered instant regionaland national acclaim Among Pete Wettachs most captivating images are those of farm children His photographs capture them in their everyday environment, going about their work or their play With an affectionate eye, Wettach documented the participation of children in the annual cycle of farm life, from planting through harvest Children on the Farm contains thirty of Wettachs best black-and-white images of midwestern farm children, printed on high-quality, perforated postcards Like its companion From the Heartland, Children on the Farm is a vivid reminder of a bygone era, and its postcards will delight all who are lucky enough to receive them.  2004 г 64 стр ISBN 0877459134.

Absolute Essentials of Music Theory for Guitar артикул 10634d.
Absolute Essentials of Music Theory for Guitar артикул 10634d.

Book DescriptionJust what you absolutely need to know! Change how you see music theory with the Absolute Essentials of Music Theory for Guitar This easy to follow guide shows you all the need to know basics, demystified, chapter, by chapter Discover how easy it is to understand: reading music, the fretboard, scales, intervals, chords, harmonized озерч scales, and rhythm Music theory has never been easier! Learn the basics of music theory at your own pace All theoretical concepts are applied to the guitar Perfect for the beginner to intermediate player Test yourself answer key included What are you waiting for? Your understanding of music theory starts here.  2004 г 112 стр ISBN 1896595324.

The Four Asian Tigers: Economic Development & the Global Political Economy артикул 10636d.
The Four Asian Tigers: Economic Development & the Global Political Economy артикул 10636d.

This book critically examines the geopolitical and economic contexts of the region's export-oriented industrialization The first part of the book focuses on the global and regional elements of the economic system and recent geo-politics The second partof the book focuses on the domestic actors and institutions which played critical roles озерю in the miracle economies of East Asia This collection of original papers describes the economic developments and environment that underlie the East Asian NICs Through a comparison of the Four Tigers-South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore-the contributors deliver a case-oriented study that explains the region's most successful economies This book is the first region-wide comparative study to provide readers with country-specific information about economic environments and development Key Features * Authors examine the transferability of this region's experience to others * Charts the successful dynamic relationships between geopolitical, economic, and social resources * Relevant to sociological and economic studies * In-depth case studies combined with comparative analysis within the region * Incorporation of global security and economic contexts in the analysis of economic development and democratization.  ISBN 0124074405.

Handbook of Marketing артикул 10638d.
Handbook of Marketing артикул 10638d.

The Handbook of Marketing presents a major retrospective and prospective overview of the field of marketing, and provides a landmark reference at a time when many of the traditional boundaries and domains within the marketing discipline have been subject to change The Handbook frames, assesses and synthesizes the work in the field and helps to озесл define and shape its current and future development It includes contributions from leading scholars in the field, and the input of an international and extremely distinguished advisory board of marketing academics The Handbook of Marketing will be invaluable to advanced undergraduates, graduate students and academics in marketing.  ISBN 0761956824.

El Interrogatorio / The Interrogation артикул 10640d.
El Interrogatorio / The Interrogation артикул 10640d.

Book DescriptionLos Angeles, 1952 El cadáver de Cathy Lake, estudiante de primaria, se descubre junto al estanque del parque, bañado en sangre Su madre había denunciado su desaparición apenas unas horas antes Los detectives Cohen y Pierce, responsables de la investigación, buscan al asesino entre los vagabundos que duermen en el parque озесц y rápidamente detienen a Albert Jay Smalls Pero después de dos semanas de interrogatorio, la policía no ha conseguidoni pruebas incriminatorias, ni testigos que relacionen a Smalls con la escena del crimen Si no consiguen desmontar su coartada en menos de doce horas, deberán dejarle en libertad Comienza entonces una cuenta atrás para Cohen y Pierce en busca de alguna pista que les permita retener a Smalls; unas horas decisivas en las que los dos policías deberán bucear en el pasado del detenido y en las conexiones entre todos aquellos relacionados con el caso, incluidos ellos mismos Con El interrogatorio, Thomas H Cook demuestra una vez más su habilidad para mostrar las múltiples capas de la personalidad del asesino pero también de aquellos obligados a hallar las razones últimas de un crimen, recreando una atmósfera de suspense que mantiene al lector en vilo hasta la última página .  2004 г 272 стр ISBN 8495618346.

Amenazas Veladas артикул 10642d.
Amenazas Veladas артикул 10642d.

Book DescriptionEn una boda pueden salir mal muchas cosas Lo que nunca imaginó Carnegie, joven y eficiente organizadora de ceremonias matrimoniales, es que entre ellas se incluiría el asesinato Para Carnegie, el enlace de NickyParry era la solución a todos sus problemas laborales Pero todo comienza a adquirir un tono sombrío con la muerte озесщ de una chica que conducía el coche de la novia, en un accidente muy poco claro La amenaza de un asesino planea sobre todos los personajes implicados a medida que se acerca el día de la boda, y Carnegie comprende pronto que en aquel enlace no sólo está en juego la futura felicidad de la pareja sino también su propia vida SU TRABAJO,PLANIFICAR LA BODA PERFECTA Carnegie había conseguido sacar adelante su propia agencia para la organización de bodas a costa de muchos apuros económicos y de descuidar su propia felicidad sentimental Su jornada discurre entre cáterings, elección de vestidos, listas de invitados, recelos de los padres y sustos de última hora Pero por fin, llega el encargo de su vida, una boda que le permitirá codearse con la gente más selecta de Seattle Quizá por eso parece ser la única persona en darse cuenta de la amenaza que se cierne sobre la joven novia Para defenderla, tendrá que poner en peligro mucho más que su adorado negocio Y EVITAR QUE LA MUERTE SE COLARAEN LA LISTA DE INVITADOS Holt Walker es uno de los abogados más brillantes de Seattle Joven, rico y viudo es, además, propietario de los ojos verdes más fascinantes de la ciudad Parece el hombre perfecto para Carnegie, que quizá consiga ser la protagonista del romance por una vez Pero Holt no es más que una de las piezas en el peligroso juego en que está inmersa, acosada por un reportero sin escrúpulos, un socio lleno de sopresas y unos clientes con sus propios secretos Un juego en el que Carnegie no puede permitirse bajar la guardia ni un momento.  2004 г 304 стр ISBN 8495752662.

Vision's Immanence : Faulkner, Film, and the Popular Imagination артикул 10644d.
Vision's Immanence : Faulkner, Film, and the Popular Imagination артикул 10644d.

Book Description William Faulkner occupied a unique position as a modern writer Although famous for his modernist novels and their notorious difficulty, he also wrote extensively for the "culture industry," and the works he produced for it -- including short stories, adaptations, and screenplays -- bore many of the hallmarks of consumer озесы art His experiences as a Hollywood screenwriter influenced him in a number of ways, many of them negative, while the films turned out by the "dream factories" in which he labored sporadically inspired both his interest and his contempt Faulkner also disparaged the popular magazines -- though he frequently sold short stories to them To what extent was Faulkner's deeply ambivalent relationship to -- and involvement with -- American popular culture reflected in his modernist or "art" fiction? Peter Lurie finds convincing evidence that Faulkner was keenly aware of commercial culture and adapted its formulae, strategies, and in particular, its visual techniques into the language of his novels of the 1930s Lurie contends that Faulkner's modernism can be best understood in light of his reaction to the popular culture of his day Using Theodor Adorno's theory about modern cultural production as a framework, Lurie's close readings of Sanctuary, Light in August, Absalom! Absalom!, and If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem uncover the cultural history that surrounded and influenced the development of Faulkner's art Lurie is particularly interested in the influence of cinema on Faulkner's fiction and especially the visual strategies he both deployed and critiqued These include the suggestion of cinematic viewing on the part of readers and of characters in each of the novels; the collective and individual acts of voyeurism in Sanctuary and Light in August; the exposing in Absalom! Absalom! and Light in Augustof stereotypical and cinematic patterns of thought about history and race; and the evocation of popularforms like melodrama and the movie screen in If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem Offering innovative readings of these canonical works, this study sheds new light on Faulkner's uniquely American modernism.  2004 г 256 стр ISBN 0801879299.

Environmental and Resource Policy for Consumer Durables (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems) артикул 10646d.
Environmental and Resource Policy for Consumer Durables (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems) артикул 10646d.

Book DescriptionA recent line of research in environmental and resource economics deals with the analysis of the so-called product-related environmental policy, i e the regulation of certain product characteristics which are mainly determined by producers and which influence the impact of consumption goods on the environment In this line озета of literature, only little attention has been paid to the role of product durability The present study aims at filling this gap It investigates the relationship between (built-in) product durability, production emissions, solid consumption waste and recycling The main task is to identify inefficiencies in the durability choice of producers and to assess regulatory policies which aim at correcting for such market failure.  2004 г ISBN 3540205691.

Pants артикул 10648d.
Pants артикул 10648d.

Book DescriptionA rollicking, young, funny homage to underwear, Pants is a celebration of all things undergarment Filled with hairy pants and scary pants, bunny pants and no pants, animals and people cavort across the brightly colored pages showing off their underwear This is a great book for toddlers– or anyone–looking for a silly, upbeat озетд picture book Nick Sharratt’s increasingly recognizable artwork is nicely showcased in this generously sized package.  2003 г 32 стр ISBN 0385750145.

Chilton Toyota Cars, Trucks, & SUVs: Most Popular Do-It-Yourself Repair Manual on CD (Total Car Care) артикул 10650d.
Chilton Toyota Cars, Trucks, & SUVs: Most Popular Do-It-Yourself Repair Manual on CD (Total Car Care) артикул 10650d.

Book DescriptionProfessional technicians count on Chilton®you can too! Includes coverage of Toyota Camry, 1983-96, Toyota Celica, 1986-98, Toyota Corolla, 1988-97, and Toyota Pick-ups/Land Cruiser/4Runner, 1989-00 This new repair manual on CD contain authentic Chilton service and repair instructions, illustrations, and specifications озети for the vehicles worked on most by Do-It-Yourself enthusiasts today Chilton Total Car Care CDs give you the confidence to service all the following systems of your own vehicle: General Information & Maintenance Engine Performance & Tune-Up Engine Mechanical & Overhaul Emission Controls Fuel System Chassis Electrical Drive Train Suspension & Steering Brakes Body & Trim Troubleshooting Additional vehicles, including European models, are available by visiting the www ChiltonDIY com Web site Standard code, included with purchase, provides users access to information for one vehicle.  2004 г ISBN 1401880649.

Some Things Are Scary : No Matter How Old You Are артикул 10652d.
Some Things Are Scary : No Matter How Old You Are артикул 10652d.

Amazon comWhen cartoonist Jules Feiffer was little, he thought parents were scary Florence Parry Heide's main fear was that she'd never learn how to be a real life grownup (She never did, she says ) So, years later, these two star creators of children's books have teamed up to confront the things that go bump in the night (or day) in the splendid picture озетр book Some Things Are Scary This litany of frightfully familiar scenarios, brilliantly illustrated with Feiffer's scritchy, expressive cartoons, ranges from stepping on something squishy when you're in your bare feet to getting a shot to discovering that your hamster cage is empty The encompassing fleshy arms of the woman in the depiction of "getting hugged by someone you don't like isscary" are positively smothering to behold The rapidly moving arms (all seven of them) of the boy in "telling a lie is scary" image perfectly evokes the scittery discomfort of fibbing Feiffer's distorted perspectives on the things that "loom large"capture a range of human emotion with his usual deftness Kids will commiserate with the saucer-eyed boy as he skates out of control, is afraid he won't be picked for either team, or gets stuck high in a tree And maybe things won't be so scary next time (Ages 3 and older) --Karin SnelsonBook DescriptionKnow someone who’s starting school? Getting a new job? Going to the in-laws’ for the first time? For anyone on the brink of something scary, this gift edition of a hilarious classic is the perfect antidote You’re skating downhill, but you don’t know how to stop You’re having your hair cut, and you suddenly realize they’re cutting it too short There’s no question about it: some things are scary And never have common bugaboos been exposed with more comic urgency than in this masterful mix of things horrible and humiliating, monstrous or merely unsettling Now in a compact edition with a new cover - and a bookplate that lets gift-givers specify the occasion - Florence Parry Heide’s witty text and Jules Feiffer’s over-the-top illustrations will get even the most anxious recipients laughing, while reassuring them (no matter how old they are) that they’re not alone intheir fears.  2003 г 40 стр ISBN 0763621471.

44 Uses for a Dog артикул 10654d.
44 Uses for a Dog артикул 10654d.

Book Description They’re man’s best friend, that’s for sure, but every dog owner knows these four-legged companions do so much more Pup’s a nanny, alarm clock, and letter carrier, too No personal trainer’s better, whenyour dog takes you for a romp And how pooch cleans up: not a crumb remains when he “vacuums” the floor From meat inspector озетф to swim buddy to loving confidant, these 44 quirky uses for man’s best friend are dog-gone good.  2004 г 96 стр ISBN 1402716176.

Driving Customer Equity : How Customer Lifetime Value is Reshaping Corporate Strategy артикул 10656d.
Driving Customer Equity : How Customer Lifetime Value is Reshaping Corporate Strategy артикул 10656d.

In their efforts to become more customer-focused, companies everywhere find themselves entangled in outmoded systems, metrics, and strategies rooted in their product-centered view of the world Now, to ease this shift to a customer focus, marketing strategy experts Roland T Rust, Valarie A Zeithaml, and Katherine N Lemon have created a dynamic озетч new model they call "Customer Equity," a strategic framework designed to maximize every firm's most important asset, the total lifetime value of its customer base The authors' Customer Equity Framework yields powerful insights that will help any business increase the value of its customer base Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon introduce the three drivers of customer equity -- Value Equity, Brand Equity, and Retention Equity -- and explain in clear, nontechnical language how managers can base their strategies on one or a combination of these drivers The authors demonstrate in this breakthrough book how managers can build and employ competitive metrics that reveal their company's Customer Equity relative to their competitors Based on these metrics, they show how managers can determine which drivers are most important in their industry, how they can make efficient strategic trade-offs between expenditures on these drivers, and how to project a financial return from these expenditures The final section devotes two chapters to the Customer Pyramid, an approach that segments customers based on their long-term profitability, and an especially important chapter examines the Internet as the ultimate Customer Equity tool Here the authors show how companies such as Intuit com, Schwab com, and Priceline com have used more than one or all three drivers to increase Customer Equity In this age of one-to-one marketing, understanding how to drive Customer Equity is central to the success of any firm In particular, Driving Customer Equity will be essential reading for any marketing manager and, for that matter, any manager concerned with growing the value of the firm's customer base Авторы Роланд Руст Roland Rust Валари Зайтамл Valarie A Zeithaml Кэтрин Лемон Katherine Lemon.  Издательство: Free Press, 2000 г Твердый переплет, 304 стр ISBN 0684864665.

Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management: Twelve Drivers of Competitive Advantage артикул 10658d.
Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management: Twelve Drivers of Competitive Advantage артикул 10658d.

Book DescriptionThis book is an insightful, well-balanced, stimulating SCM Strategy book that clearly tells managers, consultants, as well as educators that the SCM concept is not a fad but a must strategy to gain competitive advantage in todays dynamic global market place There are three major strengths First, it is an unprecedented interdisciplinary озеуб SCM strategy book that explains how companies obtain, maintain, and even enhance competitive advantages based upon a well-laid SCM strategy Second, it provides readers a unique, well-balanced framework for SCM strategy formulation Third, it is a valuable contribution in the area of SCM in that it does a good job in explaining such a complicated SCM strategy to readers in such a simple manner Soonhong (Hong) Min, University of Oklahoma Author of the bestselling text Supply Chain Management, John T Mentzer's companion book Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management: Twelve Drivers of Competitive Advantage has been developed as a supplemental text for any course dealing with strategy and supply chains Written in an entertaining, accessible style, Mentzer identifies twelve drivers of competitive advantage as clear strategic points managers can use in their companies Research from more than 400 books, articles, and papers, as well as interviews with over fifty executives in major global companies, inform these twelve drivers The roles of all of the traditional business functionsmarketing, sales, logistics, information systems, finance, customer services, and managementin supply chainmanagement are also addressed Complete with cases and real-world examples from corporations around the world, the books exemplars will help students and practicing managers to more effectively understand, implement, and manage supply chains successfully.  2004 г ISBN 0761929088.

Developing a Market Orientation артикул 10660d.
Developing a Market Orientation артикул 10660d.

The Marketing Service Institute has a 38 years history of funding high-profile scholarly research on topics that have managerial significance MSI's pioneering work on developing a market orientation' has only been available as a series of working papers, is now presented in book form for the first time by Sage Publications This book demonstrates озеуд the importance of market orientation on organizational culture ( the shared set of values in putting customer first), on strategy (creating superior value for a firm's customers), and on tactics (the set of cross-functional activities directed at creating an d satisfying customers).  ISBN 0761916938.

Delivering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations артикул 10662d.
Delivering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations артикул 10662d.

Excellence in customer service is the hallmark of success in service industries and among manufacturers of products that require reliable service But what exactly is excellent service? It is the ability to deliver what you promise, say the authors, but first you must determine what you can promise Building on seven years of research on service озеуо quality, they construct a model that, by balancing a customer's perceptions of the value of a particular service with the customer's need for that service, provides brilliant theoretical insight into customer expectations and service delivery For example, Florida Power & Light has developed a sophisticated, computer-based lightening tracking system to anticipate where weather-related service interruptions might occur and strategically position crews at these locations to quicken recovery response time Offering a service that customers expect to be available at all times and that they will miss only when the lights go out, FPL focuses its energies on matching customer perceptions with potential need Deluxe Corporation, America's highly successful check printer, regularly exceeds its customers' expectations by shipping nearly 95% of all orders by the day after the orders were received Deluxe even put U S Postal Service stations inside its plants to speed up delivery time Customer expectations change over time To anticipate these changes, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company regularly monitors the expectations and perceptions of their customers, using focus group interviews and the authors' 22-item generic SERVQUAL questionnaire, which is customized by adding questions covering specific aspects of service they wish to track The authors' groundbreaking model, which tracks the five attributes of quality service - reliability, empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and tangibles - goes right to the heart of the tendency to over promise By comparing customer perceptions with expectations, the model provides marketing managers with a two-part measure of perceived quality that, for the first time, enables them to segment a market into groups with different service expectations Авторы Валари Зайтамл Valarie A Zeithaml А Парасураман A Parasuraman Леонард Берри Leonard G Berry.  Издательство: Free Press Твердый переплет, 226 стр ISBN 0-02935-701-2.

The Customer Loyalty Solution : What Works (and What Doesn't) in Customer Loyalty Programs артикул 10664d.
The Customer Loyalty Solution : What Works (and What Doesn't) in Customer Loyalty Programs артикул 10664d.

Download DescriptionDatabase marketing is today's most powerful tool for designing cost-effective, resource-efficient marketing and operations programs The Customer Loyalty Solution cuts through theory and guesswork to examine how leading marketers fromLand's End to IBM are using today's new breed of database marketing tools to compute озеуф lifetime value, cut costs in every area, and make databases easier to access and utilize from anywhere on the globe.  2003 г ISBN 0071363661.

Willimena Rules!: How to Fish for Trouble - Book #2 (Willimena Rules!) артикул 10666d.
Willimena Rules!: How to Fish for Trouble - Book #2 (Willimena Rules!) артикул 10666d.

Book DescriptionIt was spring break, Willimena's favorite time of the year Besides that, Teddy, Willie's favorite cousin, was coming to visit for a week They were going fishing, kite flying, and bird-watching with Willimena's dad What could be more fun! But then it happened Everything began to revolve around Teddy It was "Teddy this " and озеую "Teddy that " and "Teddy is so good at everything!" On the day of the family fishing trip, Willie was determined to capture the spotlight and catch more fish than anyone-especially Teddy So, when Teddy caught the only fish of the day, Willimena put down her pole-and began fishing for trouble And she didn't have to go far Teddy was her bait.  2004 г 96 стр ISBN 0786818077.

Практикум по информационным технологиям в профессиональной деятельности Учебное пособие артикул 10668d.
Практикум по информационным технологиям в профессиональной деятельности Учебное пособие артикул 10668d.

Учебное пособие предназначено для приобретения практических навыков работы с наиболее часто используемыми в профессиональной деятельности прикладными программами озефб Содержит задания по основным разделам учебного пособия "Информационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности" того же автора, изданного в Издательском центре "Академия" Эти задания снабжены подробными указаниями для исполнения и уточняющими видами экранов соответствующей программы для наглядности Для закрепления и проверки полученных навыков практикум содержит дополнительные задания Максимальный эффект дает параллельное использование учебного пособия и практикума Для студентов средних профессиональных учебных заведений Автор Елена Михеева.  Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование.

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